An EU mandatory due diligence legislation to promote businesses’ respect for human rights and the environment

All around the world, businesses are responsible for human rights abuses and environmental harm, as underscored by the recent COVID-19 crisis. Businesses must not be allowed to close their eyes to the impact of their business decisions on other actors in the chain. Voluntary measures have proved to be vastly insufficient, as recognised by the

A joint call for EU mandatory human rights & environmental due diligence

On 2 September, 26 companies, business associations, and initiatives released a joint statement calling for EU-wide, cross-sectoral mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence legislation.  Several signatories have already supported calls for mandatory due diligence at a national level through previous statements and ongoing campaigns. This is the first pan-European, international as well as cross-sectoral


EP RBC Working Group: EU is well placed to show leadership with its future due diligence legislation

EU Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, made a landmark announcement last month in a webinar organized by European Parliament’s Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) Working Group. The group represents the key MEPs working on Business and Human Rights across political groups and parliamentary committees.  Mr. Reynders declared that in 2021 he will propose a Mandatory Human

European Commission promises mandatory due diligence legislation in 2021

RBC Webinar 29 April 2020 Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders announced yesterday that the Commission will introduce a legislative initiative next year on mandatory due diligence for companies.  Commission is currently preparing a public consultation on sustainable corporate governance and due diligence, which will inform the Commission’s legislative proposal. Commissioner Reynders made his announcement in

Commission’s Due Diligence Study launched

The Study of due diligence requirement through the supply chains focuses on due diligence requirements to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for adverse corporate impacts (abuses of human rights, including the rights of the child and fundamental freedoms, serious bodily injury or health risks, environmental damage, including with respect to climate). It examines existing market

Landmark research shows troubling poor quality of reporting on sustainability issues

Published by Alliance for Corporate Transparency, initiative led by Frank Bold The Alliance for Corporate Transparency, a collaborative initiative launched by Frank Bold, analysed the information that companies disclosed on their environmental and societal risks and impacts following the requirements introduced by the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive. The research arrives at the same time that